If you need to get free web traffic the spot is hier “Facebook“.There are millions of people using Facebook.It is the number one social networking site then you can get a massive free web traffic using facebook.
OK now I’m telling the method follow the steps and get free web traffic.
SO are you ready ?
- Ok first of all you need to create a new facebook account.(i would recommend to create a new account ) fill all required Information(web site,tweeter)
- then you need to create a facebook group.
- The name of you group should be very simple and should depict,What this group is all about.TIP-Name should be simple and easy to remember.
- now you need to invite people “who are interested in your topic”.Always remember one thing that if you invite 100 people daily then only 10 people will be joining you.i.e only 10%.This is the minimum figure,because i wont to give you everything assured. So if you wont 20000 people joining your group,then u need to invite 200000 people.Don’t you find it
.but believe me…
- Facebook give us an option to upload the file containing email ID’s of the people you wont to invite.But,can you arrange daily 7000 new email ID’s ?Ofcourse Yes! Today,their are lot of software’s available in internet,witch can harvest email ID’s from websites and blogs can provide you.if you visit googel and find by using Keyword’s like “Email harvester”etc.then choose a software and get email ID’s.
- Now,after you have Acute email ID’s production engine you are ready to have thousands of email ID’s daily.
- Export your ID’s and these well be saved in a text file.
- Now open your facebook group page,their will be an option “invite people to join”,click on it.
- At the next page,click on the option”Import email addresses”.
- Now,to upload a file ,browse & choose the text file in which you have saved the email ID’s.
- Facebook will show you all contats added.Now press “Add to invite”
- After adding all emails,write a different,friendly message and just push “Send Invitations“.Using this fetcher facebook will send Invitations to thousands of people and it dose not matter.
- Now work is over!!
Now just wait for 24 hours,and the next day when you open your facebook group you are bound to get amazed !!
- Now give something to your group members like Ebooks,software’s,movies and also send a your website URL
Now type message like this!
download the top ten ebooks from heir it’s free.CLICK HEIR !(drop the download link )
get more things in heir(just drop your URL )
That’s all you can get massive free web traffic using this method. it’s free,, ENJOY